First & Last name (feel free to leave this section blank of you prefer to answer the feedback form anonymously.)
What dose of Amanita did you land on?
What form of communing with Amanita resonated most for you?
Please elaborate on the ways you were effected by each method of communing with Amanita & what dose and frequency you found yourself engaging with each:
What was the quality of your sleep like before you joined the Amanita Revival?
How was your sleep quality affected by Amanita? Please include what form worked best for you in the evenings.
Were your dreams affected by Amanita? Please describe what this part of the experience was like for you.
What intentions did you set as you embarked on this relationship with Amanita?
In what ways did Amanita respond to your intentions?
Did you experience anything you would consider to be a breakthrough?
Did you have any physical issues you asked for Amanita's healing & support for? If so, what were they and what shifts did you notice in these regards, if any?
Did you ask Amanita to support you with manifestation? If so, what did you notice?
Is there anything that Amanita has supported you to release from your life or inner world that is no longer serving you?
Did you notice any changes in your creativity? Please describe.
Did you notice any changes in your relationship with the Divine? Please Describe.
Did you notice any changes in your relationship to food or your weight?
Did you notice any unwanted or unpleasant effects from Amanita Muscasria?
Did anything surprise you about this experience?
How comfortable did you feel to share in the circle (both during our zoom sessions and in the WhatsApp?)
Is there anything that might have made you feel more comfortable to share?
Did you reach out to Joy for one on one support during the circle?
If you did not reach out to Joy, why not?
Was there anything that you did not like about the experience or did not quite resonate with you? Please describe.
Is there anything you wish would have been included in the experience that wasn't?
What was your favorite part about the experience?
Would you recommend this Amanita Revival Circle to a friend?
How likely are you to join this Amanita Revival again?
If you answered you would like to join again, how frequently would you see yourself participating & would like Joy to offer these circles?
Do you wear an Aura Ring? If so, did you notice any measurable results regarding your sleep quality, readiness or anything else that is measurable? If so, are you willing to share your results with Joy for a quantitative study?
Do you have any other thoughts, feelings or ideas to improve this experience that you would like Joy to know about your experience?