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Emotional Freedom Technique 

A Form of

to Set Yourself Free!
Matrix Reimprinting is a form of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique. Otherwise known as tapping).  

What if you could go back in time and help your younger self during the most difficult times? Would you want to be there for them? According to quantum physics, time does not exist. Which means time exists only in our perception. Therefore through our perception and meaning making we can effect change at any point along the time continuum. We can not erase something that occurred in the past but we can insert our support which effects the memory. Which in turn effects our lives in the present! 

Arm Around Shoulder

Matrix is Gentle

Through Matrix Reimprinting Joy will guide you into the matrix of the past where you can offer your support and wisdom to your younger self. Tapping keeps you resourced and grounded in the present, making this a gentle experience. 

Enjoying Nature

Let Go of Limiting Beliefs!

Matrix Reimptinting creates new neural pathways in the brain that will transform the way you engage with life. Especially useful for treating trauma, developmental trauma, phobias, anxiety, depression, addictions, grief, and limiting beliefs.

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